Define an interface which has methods area( ), volume( ). Define constant PI. Create a class cylinder which implements this interface and calculate area and volume||EasyCoding45

In this Tutorial , we are going to learn how we can Define an interface which has methods area( ), volume( ), variable constant PI. and also we are going to Create a class cylinder which will implement the interface and calculating area and volume for the Cylinder.

Program ::--


<form method=get action="A2.php">

Enter Radius :<input type=text name=t1><br>

Enter Height :<input type=text name=t2><br>

<input type=submit value=calculate>






interface shape


function area($r,$h);

function volume($r,$h);


class cylinder implements shape


const pi=3.14;

public $area=null;

public $volume=null;

function area($r,$h)



echo "Area of Cylinder is :$this->area<br> ";


function volume($r,$h)



echo "Volume of Cylinder is :$this->volume";



$obj=new cylinder();




Output ::--

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