Write a PHP script to accept user preference like background color, text font, login message. On the next page display login message using the preferences.||EasyCoding45

 In This Tutorial we are going to Write a PHP script to accept user preference like background color, text font, login message. On the next page we are going to  display login message using the preferences.

HTML Program ::--


<h3>User Preferece</h3>

<form method=get action=B3.php>

Select Background-Color 

<select name=color>

<option  value=red>red</option>

<option  value=blue>blue</option>

<option value=cyan >cyan</option>

<option value=yellow >yellow</option>

<option value=lime >lime</option>


Select Font-Style

<select name=font>

<option value=bold>Bold</option>

<option value=italic>Italic</option>

<option value=underline>Underline</option>


Enter Login Message:<input type=text name=str><br><br>

<input type=submit value=submit>



PHP Program ::--

echo "<body bgcolor=red></body>";
else if($col===blue)
echo "<body bgcolor=blue></body>";
else if($col===yellow)
echo "<body bgcolor=yellow></body>";
else if($col===cyan)
echo "<body bgcolor=cyan></body>";
echo "<body bgcolor=lime></body>";
echo "<center><u>$str</center></u>";
else if($text==italic)
echo "<center><i>$str</i></center>";
else if($text==bold)
echo "<center><b>$str</center></b>";

OutPut :::--

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