Write a PHP script to accept a weight in kg and Height in meter of person and then calculate BMI.||EasyCoding45

 In this Tutorial we are going to learn how we can Write a PHP script to accept a weight in kg and Height in meter of person and then calculate BMI.

 BMI= weight in Kg/ (Height in meter)2.

If BMI is in following categories , then display message accordingly(by using concept of self processing form) Underweight = <18.5 , Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 ,Overweight = 25–29.9 ,Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.

Program ::--



<title>BMI </title>


<form action="<?php echo$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="POST">

Enter Weight in KG :<input type=text name=t1><br>

Enter Height in meter :<input type=text name=t2><br>

<input type=submit value="CalculateBMI"><br>









echo "Under Weight ";

else if($bmi>18.5&&$bmi<=24.9)

echo "Normal Weight ";

else if($bmi>=25&&$bmi<=29.9)

echo "Over Weight ";


echo "Obesity ";





