PHP program to display the bio data of a person by reading the person details using an HTML|EasyCoding45

 In this Tutorial, we are going to learn how we can write a PHP program to display the bio data of a person by reading the person details using an HTML.

Program :--(HTML page)



<title>User Information</title>

<center><h3>USER INFORMATION</h3>

<table border=1>

<form method=post action="A2.php">

<tr><th>Enter User-ID :</th><td><input type=text name=t1></td>

<tr><th>Enter User Name :</th><td><input type=text name=t2></td></br>

<tr><th>Enter User Address :</th><td><input type=text name=t3></td></br>

<tr><th>Enter User Email :</th><td><input type=text name=t4></td></br>

<tr><th>Enter Mobile no :</th><td><input type=text name=t5></br></td>


<input type=submit value=submit>





Program :--(PHP program)







echo"<center><h3>User Information on Next Page </h3><table border=1>


<th>User ID</th>



echo "<tr>

<th>User Name</th>



echo "<tr>

<th>User Address</th>



echo "<tr>

<th>User Email</th>



echo "<tr>

<th>User Mobile no</th>




Output :--
