Give declaration how to create class with explanation |EasyCoding45

Give declaration how to create class with explanation

In This tutorial we are going to learn how we can Create and declare a Class.

Definition :-

A Class Can be used to perform different operation using its object. A class includes Data members, functions().You can also specify the access for class , members, and functions() by specifying it to private, public, protected.

Note :-

  • If you don't specify the access specifier it will be private by default.

Syntax of Class :-

public class class_name
        public Data members;
         public void Function()

Simple Example (Addition of Two numbers using class in java language ):-

Program :-

import java.util.*;

class Addition
int sum;

public void Add(int n1,int n2)

System.out.println("Addition is :"+sum);
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter Two Numbers :");

int n1=sc.nextInt();

int n2=sc.nextInt();

Addition ad=new Addition();


Output :-
