
Java Program to print sum of Array|EasyCoding45

Java Program to create following GUI | EasyCoding45

create an abstract class Shape with methods calc_area and calc_volume.Derive two classes Sphere(radius),Box(length,breadth,height)from it.Calculate area and volume of both (use method overriding)|EasyCoding45

Write a java program to find maximum element of an Array|EasyCoding45

JAVA program to reverse an Array List |EasyCoding45

How To find maximum Element from an array using java |EasyCoding45

PHP script to find out length of the string "this is my first program" |EasyCoding45

Write a PHP script to change background color using switch statement|EasyCoding45

How to select gender in PHP?| EasyCoding45

Create a webpage in PHP to find a person is adult or not|EasyCoding45

PHP program to display the bio data of a person by reading the person details using an HTML|EasyCoding45

WAP to make a login page using PHP|EasyCoding45

Write a PHP program to accept user ID and password and check whether it is valid or not|EasyCoding45

Echo keyword is used to print a message in PHP T/F|EasyCoding45

Classes used only for deriving other classes are called as|EasyCoding45